Spiritual Accompaniment
It's what we're all about.
What’s Spiritual Accompaniment look like? Many things. It can be a one-on-one talk over coffee. It can be spiritual direction on a weekly or monthly basis. Many of our staff have degrees or training in spiritual accompaniment. Some people need accountability. Some need a listening ear or to simply not feel alone.
Just want someone to get a coffee and talk to? Email one of our campus ministers and they will be very happy to coordinate with you!
Thibault: tvincent@saintsaj.org
Jule: jcoppa@saintsaj.org
Ben: bbrazelton@saintsaj.org
The core of our ministry at Newman.
Jesus calls us to follow him and live a full christian life. But, He always calls us to follow him accompanied by others. Our FOCUS missionaries, campus ministers and some upperclassmen can walk with you in journey to follow Jesus. Contact us:
Thibault: tvincent@saintsaj.org
Rebecca: rebecca.richards@focus.org
Spiritual Direction
Sometimes one coffee isn't enough and we need someone to walk with us through the joys and trials that life presents. Learn more about what spiritual direction is, who is available (and licensed), and more.
Thibault: tvincent@saintsaj.org